Our fun-first ethos
In 2016, our admins and team managers met and discussed the many things that could be done to take the junior section forward. Central to this discussion was considering “what do we want to be known for”?
We would not be the highest performing club, the cheapest, or the club with the best facilities, but it was decided that we could aim to be the most fun.
Every time we make a decision, we aim to ask ourselves “Which of the options will create the most fun?” and we consider not just the players, but also parents, coaches, administrators and other clubs that we play against.
There are many factors involved in sport being fun, but some of the key one that we consider are:
Self-improvement – The ongoing quest to learn, to improve your game and to become the best player that you can be is a core and vital element of the fun in sport. This is true both for training and for matches. Inexperienced players need to be playing games in order to improve their game, just as do experienced players. Whatever a player's starting point, our aim is to help the player enjoyably develop their own game.
Challenge – Within every squad, at any given time, there will be players of varying levels of experience and ability. We must aim to create scenarios in training and to create match-play opportunities that challenge all players at a suitable level. Cup games are reserved for the highest performing players, league games are generally for the more experienced and higher ability players, and friendlies & internal games tend to be well suited to developing players.
Participation – The whole point is to play the game. All players are equally involved in training and all players must have the opportunity to play in matches for the club. In matches, all players must have the opportunity to make an impact in matches with the bat, the ball or the gloves. See how we pick teams. However...
Thrill of trying to win a close game - While providing equality of opportunity in matches is a key element of the fun of the game, so is the thrill of trying to win a close game, and there will be times where trying to get a win as the team will be more fun than everyone getting an equal chance to make an impact - see how we run matches.
Playing as a team - Being part of a squad that works hard for each other is another key element of the fun in sport. Striving to achieve as a group, rather than as an individual, is one of the challenges that makes team sport so endlessly fascinating and so marvellously rewarding. There joy in sometimes sacrificing one's own opportunities for the good of the group, and there is job in supporting and enjoying the development and performances of squad-mates, regardless of ability or match situation.
The following infographic shows just how many different factors are involved in making sport as much fun as possible. We believe the way we run things is very well aligned to all of these factors, but we're always looking to improve further and feedback or suggestions are always welcome.
This infographic is respectfully borrowed from research carried out by Amanda J. Visek, PhD.
Surrey junior league values & behaviours
In 2023, the Surrey Junior Cricket Championship (the league in which we play most of our junior matches) launched a Surrey-wide initiative to promote a shared set of Values & Behaviours.
The three key values are:
Spirit - playing the game in the a positive and fair spirit
Inclusion - making cricket a game for everyone
Enjoyment - a focus on enjoyment for all involved
For more detail, you can watch the league webinar on this topic on YouTube.