Concussion guidance
Concussion guidance (published April 2023)
New grass-roots sport guidance was published by the UK government in April 2023.
Download the full guidance document here:
UK Concussion Guidelines for Non-Elite (Grassroots) Sport, April 2023 (PDF)
Please also refer to the ECB's Concussion Education E-learning Module.
Key takeaways (as summarised by the England & Wales Cricket Board):
The new guidance sets out to ensure everyone is aware of how to recognise a concussion and what to do if they suspect someone is concussed.
"If in doubt, sit them out"
Anyone with a suspected concussion should be immediately removed from the field of play.
They should get assessed by an appropriate healthcare professional onsite or access the NHS by calling 111 within 24 hours of the injury.
Concussion recovery time varies and everyone is unique in their recovery duration.
Generally, a short period of relative rest followed by a gradual return to normal life and, ultimately, sport is the aim.
Follow these steps to reduce the risks.
Continuing to play following a concussion is dangerous and leads to a longer recovery period.
The primary aim is to protect the individual from further injury by immediately removing them from play.